Rhode Island Genealogy

Rhode Island Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Rhode Island ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Rhode Island history.

History of Rhode Island

New Rhode Island Biographies

We have currently transcribed 219 biographies from Charles Carroll’s Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy. These biographies cover the entire state of Rhode Island. We also have placed online the first volume of which contains the early history of Rhode Island above.

New Rhode Island Genealogy

Biography of John Russell Haire

During the ten years he has been a member of the bar of Rhode Island, with his practice temporarily interrupted by the World War, in which he served with distinction, John Russell Haire, of Newport, has made a good record in his profession and is credited with ability of a high order. He is a popular member of numerous business, social and fraternal organizations and during his periods of relaxation is devoted to athletics. Sound in his citizenship, he does not forget the obligations it entails and is vitally concerned In all affairs of a civic…

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Biography of Joseph F. Murphy

Identified with the dairy industry for more than twenty years, ever since he left school as a youth, Mr. Murphy has been for many years one of the best-known and most highly regarded men in the dairy industry in Newport. Both as manager of the Aquidneck Dairymen’s Association and, more recently, as president and manager of the Aquidneck Ice Cream Company, Incorporated, he has shown himself exceptionally able. These two enterprises, among the leading establishments of their kind in Rhode Island, owe much of their success and prosperity to Mr. Murphy. Joseph F. Murphy was born…

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Biography of William H. Gidley

Identified with the New England textile industry since he entered business, William H. Gidley has been connected at different times in responsible positions with various well-known textile concerns in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. For the last decade he has been treasurer and manager of several large textile companies at Cranston. He is widely known as an able business executive and enjoys high standing in the industry with which he has been connected for more than thirty years. He is a member of numerous Masonic organizations, as well as social and civic associations and is widely known…

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Biography of Peter A. Soderlund

One of the prominent and progressive citizens of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, whose achievements and civic ideals entitle him to a place in these pages is Peter A. Soderlund, contractor and builder. Besides being an able business man and dependable builder, Mr. Soderlund has served in public office and has participated actively in fraternal and religious developments. Peter A. Soderlund was born in Sweden, September 1, 1881, son of John P. Soderlund, a native of Sweden, a builder in his own country, who sought his fortunes in the New World in 1894. He settled in Providence,…

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Biography of Harry Reynolds Lewis

Commissioner of agriculture of the State of Rhode Island, Harry Reynolds Lewis is a man of wide experience in this field, combining practical work with extensive research in theoretical principles. His knowledge of all phases of scientific agriculture is complete, and his proved executive ability is assurance to the farmers of the State that their interests will be ably and efficiently cared for. Harry Reynolds Lewis Mr. Lewis was born at Providence, Rhode Island, on October 14, 1885, a son of Frank Levit and Harriet Elizabeth (Reynolds) Lewis. The family is an old one both in…

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Biography of Squire Senior Nicholson

In the business life of Rhode Island Squire Senior Nicholson is one of the foremost leaders, being president and founder of what is known as the Nicholson-Thackery chain store system in Rhode Island. This business he established in cooperation with his brother, Frederick Nicholson, many years ago, and it has grown to such proportions that its success is widely and generally recognized. Although now retired from active business endeavor, Mr. Nicholson maintains a lively interest in business affairs in New England and in the stores which he set up many years ago. Mr. Nicholson was born…

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Biography of Samuel Burt Bailey

Having entered the employ of the Manville Jencks Company, one of the leading industrial establishments of Woonsocket, very soon after his graduation from high school, Mr. Bailey has continued to be connected with this company ever since then, a period of about a quarter of a century. His ability and devotion to his work gained him frequent and rapid promotions and today he is the office manager, and as such one of the prominent business executives of Woonsocket. He also takes a very active and helpful part in civic and religious affairs, is a member of…

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Biography of Frank W. Clemens

Having become connected in a clerical capacity with the Wakefield Trust Company as a young man, almost immediately following the completion of his education, Mr. Clemens has continued with this well-known and prominent financial institution since then. Strict attention to the duties assigned to him from time to time, exceptional business and executive ability, unwavering loyalty to the interests of his bank, and untiring energy and industry gained him numerous promotions to positions of ever-increasing importance and responsibility, and for the last few years he has been one of the executive officers of the bank. In…

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New England Genealogy