Biography of John Russell Haire

During the ten years he has been a member of the bar of Rhode Island, with his practice temporarily interrupted by the World War, in which he served with distinction, John Russell Haire, of Newport, has made a good record in his profession and is credited with ability of a high order. He is a popular member of numerous business, social and fraternal organizations and during his periods of relaxation is devoted to athletics. Sound in his citizenship, he does not forget the obligations it entails and is vitally concerned In all affairs of a civic nature that are proposed for the improvement of any conditions in which the public is to be served.

He was born in Newport, Rhode Island, October 8, 1803, and is a son of the late John T. Haire, for more than thirty years engaged in Newport as a furniture dealer and interior decorator, who died in 1930, and whose native land was Ireland. He married Elizabeth A. Lee, of Newport, mother of John Russell Haire. Their son received his education in the public schools, was graduated from Rogers High School and then attended Brown University, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1915. This was supplemented by a course at the Law School of Harvard University, which was followed by his subsequent admission to the bar of Rhode Island in 1920. He at once became associated with the firm of Sheffield and Harvey, of this city, and still practices in that association, in which he is a partner. In December, 1917, he was commissioned an ensign in the United States Naval Reserve, in which he had enlisted in the previous April and had been assigned to duty as coxswain. In March, 1918, he was appointed ensign in regular navy and was later promoted to lieutenant, junior grade (U. S. N.), and served aboard the U. S. S. “Oklahoma,” patrolling the coast of Ireland. He resigned his commission in July, 1919, and returned to his legal work in Newport. He is a member of the Rhode Island and Newport Bar associations, the Newport Chamber of Commerce, is a director of the Newport Electric Corporation, member of the Newport Representative Council, is a trustee of the Presbyterian Church, member of the American Legion, and of the Phi Kappa Psi college fraternity. In politics he is Republican.

John Russell Haire married, April 21, 1924, Pauline Houghton, born in Newport. They are the parents of:

  1. John Russell Haire, Jr.
  2. Elizabeth Lee Haire.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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