Biography of Harold T. Lowe

Harold T. Lowe — Teacher, educator and veteran of the World War, Harold T. Lowe is now superintendent of schools of the town of North Providence, Rhode Island. His career has been one of success in both military and civil life.

Mr. Lowe was born at Buffalo, New York, on July 19, 1891, son of George and Caroline (William) Lowe. The father, born in England, is an iron moulder by occupation. The mother is a native of Wales. Harold T. Lowe was educated in the public schools of his birthplace. He attended the Central and Technical high schools, and in 1917 was graduated from Hobart College with the Bachelor of Science degree. In the meantime, he had also completed the course at the Buffalo Normal School, and had taken post-graduate work at Columbia University.

The year 1907 saw the beginning of Mr. Lowe’s active career. He became associated with the Otis Elevator Company at Buffalo, filling the position of service and constructing engineer and assistant sales manager at the Buffalo office for seven years. At the time he was attending college, he was employed by the International Electric Railway Company, and after his graduation, in 1917, he went into the United States Army.

Mr. Lowe’s military record is one of great distinction. He was commissioned first lieutenant in the United States Army Infantry Corps in August, 1917, and promoted to captain in August, 1918, serving overseas with the American Expeditionary Forces in France from August, 1917, to September, 1918. He was returned to the United States to train the 9th Division of the Regular Army, and received his honorable discharge in December, 1918, with the rank of captain. Mr. Lowe took part in the following engagements: the Oise-Aisne defensive, the Aisne-Marne offensive, the Soissons defensive, the St. Mihiel offensive, the Toul Sector defensive, and the Champagne defensive. He was wounded in action on April 13, 1918, and gassed in action on July 20, 1918. For extreme gallantry in action he was cited with the Croix de Guerre. Mr. Lowe was also cited by General Pershing and General Holbrook for service in training the 46th Regiment of Infantry, of the 9th Division.

Returning to the pursuits of peace after he was mustered out of the service, Mr. Lowe took a position as teacher of the ungraded classes in the school at Hamburg, New York. After six months he was appointed principal of the Hamburg High School, which he occupied for one year. At the end of this time he came to Rhode Island as principal of the Ashaway High School, and in 1920 was appointed superintendent of schools for Charlestown and Hopkinton, Rhode Island. In 1923 the town of Richmond was taken into this school district, and Mr. Lowe continued as superintendent until 1926. In September of that year he accepted the position of superintendent of schools of the town of North Providence, which he has filled very ably and efficiently since that time.

Many other phases of life have occupied Mr. Lowe’s attention. Music has always been one of his principal diversions. He is a violin soloist, was formerly a member of a Buffalo orchestra, and has been a director of many community choruses and orchestras. Mr. Lowe is also fond of hiking and woodcraft, and is an active supporter of the Boy Scout movement. He is chairman of the Court of Honor of the Tri-Town District, Boy Scouts of America, chairman of the District Executive Committee, and a member of the Greater Providence Executive Council of the Boy Scouts. Mr. Lowe attends the Episcopal Church at North Centerdale, where the family residence is maintained. He is a vestryman, and secretary for religious education in the Rhode Island diocese.

Among the various associations of the men of his profession, Mr. Lowe is a member of the National Education Association, the Department of Superintendents of the National Education Association, and the New England Association, School Department. Fraternally, he is affiliated with Charity Lodge, No. 23, of the Free and Accepted Masons; Mechanics Lodge, No. 14, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Niantic Encampment; and a patron of Rhoda Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah.

He is also a member of Gordon Green Post of the American Legion, and Darnborough Parkin Camp of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Lowe is an independent voter in politics. He is a member of the Barnard Club, and the Centerdale Business Men’s Association.

In 1917, Harold T. Lowe married Anna Haig, who was born in Buffalo, New York. They are the parents of the following children: Lucia Amy, Harold Ward, and Ellen Jean.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 4 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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