Rhode Island Genealogy

Rhode Island Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Rhode Island ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Rhode Island history.

History of Rhode Island

New Rhode Island Biographies

We have currently transcribed 219 biographies from Charles Carroll’s Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy. These biographies cover the entire state of Rhode Island. We also have placed online the first volume of which contains the early history of Rhode Island above.

New England Genealogy

New Rhode Island Genealogy

Biography of Hon. James Hepburn Parsons

Distinguished alike in the practice of the law and in the sphere of public service, the Hon. James Hepburn Parsons was for many years an important and familiar figure in Rhode Island life. He brought to his professional duties unusual talents. He devoted himself to his work with rare fidelity, and in seeking his own career he worked for the advancement of State and Nation. Mr. Parsons was born at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on May 30, 1832, a son of the Hon. Anson V. and Mary (Hepburn) Parsons. He received his preliminary education in the schools of…

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Biography of Peter Beaton

Town clerk and tax collector of the town of Coventry, Rhode Island, Peter Beaton has been an important figure in the life of this section for many years. He was born at Coventry, Rhode Island, on October 7, 1890, a son of James and Belle D. (MacMackin) Beaton, both natives of Glasgow, Scotland. The father was engaged as a quarryman and contractor until the time of his death. The mother is still living. Peter Beaton received his preliminary education in Rhode Island public schools, later attended Warwick High School, and the Bryant and Stratton Business College…

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Biography of Frank Hill

Frank Hill After having taught school for several years following his graduation from college, Mr. Hill became associated with the Ashaway National Bank, Ashaway, Washington County, and ever since then has held the responsible position of cashier. He is widely known in financial circles throughout Rhode Island and New England and is regarded as one of the leading citizens of his town. His early connection with educational work led him to continue his interest in the cause of education and for many years he has been prominently active in educational work in Rhode Island, being now…

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Biography of Preston E. Peckham

Well known in his native city, Jamestown, for the last twenty-five years as an able and successful business man, Mr. Peckham has also been prominently active in civic affairs and at different times has been honored by his fellow-citizens by election to important local offices. For the last five years he has been town clerk of Jamestown, in which capacity he has proven himself a very capable, efficient and conscientious public official. He also takes an active part in other phases of the community’s life and ranks as one of the representative, public-spirited and popular citizens…

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Biography of James H. Dunn

For many years extensively engaged in the business and commercial life of Rhode Island, James H. Dunn has contributed his talents in this direction to several different fields of industry in his State; and at the time of writing (1930) is one of the leading automobile dealers of Newport. For his achievements in his work and for his participation in social and civic affairs, he is highly regarded by his fellowmen. Mr. Dunn was born in Fall River, Massachusetts, on July 6, 1877, son of John F. and Margaret (Sullivan) Dunn. His father, a native of…

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Biography of Elmer F. Seabury

Having connected with the Industrial Trust Company of Providence in a clerical capacity soon after the completion of his education, Elmer F. Seabury has continued with this well known financial institution for a period covering now almost four decades. Elmer F. Seabury was born at Tiverton, September 9, 1875, a son of the late Cornelius and Ellen (Negus) Seabury, both natives of Tiverton. His father was engaged in the grocery business in that town up to 1881, when he came to Providence and there engaged in a similar business until his death. Having begun his education…

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Biography of James Ahearn

Connected with the Providence Police Department for more than four decades, Deputy Chief Ahearn’s rise was steady and for many years he has been considered one of the ablest and most reliable police officials in Rhode Island’s capital. As deputy chief and deputy superintendent he has very ably assisted Chief William F. O’Neil in the administration of the Police Department during the last five years. Deputy Chief Ahearn is very popular with the citizens of Providence, and also enjoys to an unusual degree the liking and respect of the members of the Police Department. James Ahearn…

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Biography of Edward B. Lawson

Becoming identified with the automobile business more than a quarter of a century ago and immediately following the completion of his education, Mr. Lawson since then at different times has been connected with practically all branches of this business, excepting only the manufacture of automobiles. He has always been especially interested in the sales and service phase of the automobile business, and since 1924 he has been a very successful local agent for Newport County for the Chevrolet motor cars. Mr. Lawson is regarded as one of the most substantial and most able men in the…

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