Biography of Samuel Burt Bailey

Having entered the employ of the Manville Jencks Company, one of the leading industrial establishments of Woonsocket, very soon after his graduation from high school, Mr. Bailey has continued to be connected with this company ever since then, a period of about a quarter of a century. His ability and devotion to his work gained him frequent and rapid promotions and today he is the office manager, and as such one of the prominent business executives of Woonsocket. He also takes a very active and helpful part in civic and religious affairs, is a member of several fraternal organizations, and in every respect represents the highest type of useful and progressive citizenship.

Samuel B. (S. Burt) Bailey was born at Clayville, New York, February 2, 1885, a son of Henry and Sarah (Burt) Bailey. His father, who for many years was superintendent of different woolen Mills, was a native of Rhode Island, his mother of Massachusetts. Mr. Bailey was educated in the public schools of Woonsocket and, after graduating from high school in 1904, was connected for about one year with the National Globe & Mechanics Savings Bank. He then became associated with the Woonsocket plant of the Manville Jencks Company, known as the Globe Mill, manufacturers of cotton goods, with offices at No. 727 Front Street, Woonsocket. With this company he is still associated, being now its office manager, to which position he was promoted as the result of his unusual business ability. He is also a member of the managing board of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company of Woonsocket, and formerly was a director of the Mechanics Bank. In politics a supporter of the Republican party, he has taken an active part in public affairs for many years, serving at one time as a member of the City Council from Ward One and, for fourteen years, being a member of the Woonsocket School Board. He also belongs to the Junior Order United American Mechanics. His religious affiliations are with the St. James’ Protestant Episcopal Church, of the Men’s Club of which he is an officer. He is also a member of the Woonsocket Young Men’s Christian Association, in the affairs of which he takes an active and helpful part.

Mr. Bailey married Madge S. Snyder, a native of Woonsocket, and a daughter of David J. and Jennie (Sherman) Snyder. Mrs. Bailey’s father, now deceased, was at one time mayor of Woonsocket. Like her husband, she is a member of St. James’ Church and takes an active part in its work, being also much interested in the affairs of the Woonsocket Young Women’s Christian Association. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are the parents of three children:

  1. Sherman Bailey.
  2. Henry Bailey.
  3. Virginia Bailey.

The family residence is located at No. 653 Park Avenue, Woonsocket.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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