Biography of Frederick G. Brown

Having become connected with one of the leading industrial establishments of Warwick immediately following his graduation from college, Mr. Brown has continued his association with his company. As the result of his unusual business and executive ability and his close application to his work he has received several promotions to positions of ever increasing responsibility, at present being one of the executives. Though one of the younger generation of business men, he enjoys a high standing in the business world. He showed his patriotism by service during the World War in the military forces of the United States, while his interest in civic affairs finds expression in his active participation in local politics.

Frederick G. Brown was born at Newburgh, New York, August 2, 1898, a son of Samuel Frederick and Crissy Jane (Wood) Brown. His parents were natives of Newburgh, of which city they are still residents, his father being engaged in the wholesale milk business there. On his mother’s side Mr. Brown is a direct descendant of Cornelius Wood, who fought in the American Revolution. Mr. Brown received his early education in the public schools, and having graduated from Newburgh Free Academy, he attended Brown University, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1921. Immediately following his graduation from college, he became connected with the Apponaug Company, in Apponaug. In order to acquire a thorough knowledge of the business, he worked in the various departments of the company, until 1924. In that year he was made purchasing agent, which position he has since filled with marked ability, and since July, 1928, he has served as assistant treasurer also. He is a director of Phenix Trust Company, of Phenix, Rhode Island.

Mr. Brown is a member of Hudson River Lodge, No. 607, Free and Accepted Masons; the Providence Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; St. John’s Commandery, Knights Templar; as well as the various bodies of the Scottish Rite in Rhode Island, including the Rhode Island Consistory. He is also a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, the Sons of the American Revolution, the British Empire Club, and the Warwick Country Club. In politics he is a supporter of the Republican party, and since 1926 he has been a member of the Town Council of Warwick. During the World War he enlisted in the United States Army in the spring of 1918 and was sent to the Officers’ Training Camp at Camp Lee, Virginia, where he received his honorable discharge from military service in December, 1918. His religious affiliation is with the First Congregational Church of Providence. He is fond of outdoor life and sports and is especially interested in golf.

Mr. Brown married, May 26, 1923, Grace E. Lustig, a native of Providence, Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the parents of four children: Sonia Jane, Lorand Reid, Hedwig Wood, and Joan Low.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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