Biography of Warren A. Sherman

In the educational field, Rhode Island has had its leaders, just as it has had them in every other walk of life. One such leader, a man who has risen steadily in his profession to his present position, who has combined years of work in practical teaching in the classroom with administrative and executive duties, is Warren A. Sherman. In February, 1930, he received his appointment as superintendent of schools of the town of Warwick, Rhode Island; and in this post, as in all his other activities in his native State, he has proven himself a capable and public-spirited worker, eager ever for the promotion of the best interests of his community and its people and for the maintenance of its institutions at a high level of usefulness.

Mr. Sherman was born in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, on May 3, 1888, son of Alfred A. and Lorena Blake (Congdon) Sherman. His father, also a native of Rhode Island, was engaged during his early manhood as a farmer in this State; after forty years and until his death he worked as a carpenter. The mother, Mrs. Lorena Blake (Congdon) Sherman, was, like her son, born in East Greenwich; and she is still living (1930). Warren A. Sherman received his early education in the public schools of North Kingstown, Rhode Island, and those of North Providence. For his high school training he went to the East Providence High School. His next step in acquiring an education was to go to Brown University, from which he was graduated in the class of 1911 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts; and in 1916 he took his Master of Arts degree from the same institution. In 1912-13 he pursued special work at Columbia University, New York City, with some courses at Teachers’ College.

Upon completing the earlier phases of his academic training, in 1911, he became an instructor in history and social sciences at Juniata College, in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. That work he continued in 1911 and 1912. Then he was a teacher of mathematics for one and one-half years at Haverhill High School, in Haverhill, Massachusetts; and for seven years was a teacher of mathematics in West Warwick High School, West Warwick, Rhode Island. At the conclusion of that period, he once more took up the teaching of social sciences at the Commercial High School, in Providence, Rhode Island, although he continued his work as a mathematics instructor at this same school. For nine years he taught there, until, in February, 1930, he received his appointment as superintendent of schools in the town of Warwick, Rhode Island, the position referred to above, and that which he holds today.

Along with his professional activities, Mr. Sherman has naturally sought to keep in the closest possible touch with all new developments in teaching and education. He is a member of the National Education Association. He also belongs to the Barnard Club, of Providence, and is affiliated with several prominent fraternal orders. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, which honorary fraternity elected him to membership because of his scholastic attainments at college. He also belongs to the Sigma Nu Fraternity, a Greek-letter academic group. He is a Past Master of Warwick Lodge, No. 16, of the Free and Accepted Masons; King of Landmark Chapter, No. 10, of Royal Arch Masonry, Thrice Illustrious Master of Narragansett Council, No. 6 of Royal and Select Masters, and Past Patron of Ruth Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. He has consistently given his political support to the Republican party. His religious faith is that of the Congregationalist Church. When not engaged with one or another of his numerous professional and social duties, Mr. Sherman enjoys nothing more than participation in outdoor recreational activities; and he is especially fond of what he calls “amateur farming” as a recreation. He raises fruits and flowers in considerable quantities, and has a wide knowledge of agricultural methods and procedure. He also has a large collection of stamps, and is a philatelist of marked talents. In all his labors, both in education and in social fields, Mr. Sherman has proven himself a man of unusual abilities; and his work has well merited the high regard in which he is held by his professional associates and by the people of Warwick and the other places where he has been professionally engaged.

Warren A. Sherman married, in December, 1913, Isabel Stuart Wood, a native of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, his own birthplace. Mrs. Sherman is a graduate of Brown University, of Providence, from which in the class of 1910 she received her degree of Bachelor of Arts.

The children of this marriage are: Donald Stuart, Bertha Lorena, and Douglas Elmer.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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