
Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Elmer F. Seabury

Having connected with the Industrial Trust Company of Providence in a clerical capacity soon after the completion of his education, Elmer F. Seabury has continued with this well known financial institution for a period covering now almost four decades. Elmer F. Seabury was born at Tiverton, September 9, 1875, a son of the late Cornelius and Ellen (Negus) Seabury, both natives of Tiverton. His father was engaged in the grocery business in that town up to 1881, when he came to Providence and there engaged in a similar business until his death. Having begun his education in the public schools […]

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Edward B. Lawson

Becoming identified with the automobile business more than a quarter of a century ago and immediately following the completion of his education, Mr. Lawson since then at different times has been connected with practically all branches of this business, excepting only the manufacture of automobiles. He has always been especially interested in the sales and service phase of the automobile business, and since 1924 he has been a very successful local agent for Newport County for the Chevrolet motor cars. Mr. Lawson is regarded as one of the most substantial and most able men in the automobile business in Newport.

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Joseph A. Nolan

After having spent the earlier part of his career as a traveling salesman, Mr. Nolan, some sixteen years ago, became identified with one of the leading undertaking establishments of his native city, Newport. Since the death of its owner he has continued the business as its manager and in that capacity has shown exceptional business and executive ability. Not only has he maintained the high reputation of the business, but he has even made it larger and better in every way, so that today it is generally regarded as one of the most successful and most efficiently operated enterprises of

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Rev. Cornelius D. O’Rorke

Since 1926 Rev. Cornelius D. O’Rorke has been pastor of St. Christopher’s Church at Tiverton, Rhode Island. St. Christopher’s parish was formerly a mission attached to St. Patrick’s parish of Fall River, Massachusetts. In 1895 Rev. M. E. Cook, then pastor of St. Patrick’s, built the first Catholic Church in Tiverton. It was a summer church, situated on Highland Road, open only during July and August, and known as St. Peter’s-by-the-Sea. In 1908 St. Peter’s-by-the-Sea was attached to St. Anthony’s parish of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, of which Rev. C. J. Rooney, C. S. Sp., was then pastor. Father Rooney gave

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Perry J. Sherman

Conducting one of the finest retail industries in Newport County, located on East Main Road, Portsmouth, the name of Perry J. Sherman stands in Rhode Island for commercial and social rectitude of indisputable soundness. His race on American soil extends back for generations and has been noted for its achievements and high citizenship, many of its members having been prominently identified with the civic and commercial progress of New England, as well as with its professions. Mr. Sherman has fortunately inherited many of the qualities of his forebears and has brought them to bear in his business and social life.

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Joseph T. Perry

A member of one of the old and prominent Rhode Island families, Mr Perry is a native and lifelong resident of Newport and is one of this city’s oldest and best-known coal merchants. In this business he has been engaged for many years as a member of the firm bearing the family name and dating back over a period of more than half a century. Joseph T. Perry was born in Newport, January 21, 1857, a son of the late George W. and Josephine S. (Stevens) Perry, both natives of Newport. He is a direct descendant of Oliver Hazard Perry,

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William R Harvey

Biography of William R. Harvey

A member of an old and prominent New England family, dating back to Colonial times, Mr. Harvey himself was born in Newport and has been a life-long resident of this city. There he has practiced for a quarter of a century his profession of law and today he ranks very high among Rhode Island lawyers. A man of great public spirit, he has given much time to civic affairs, having held at various times different important local offices, which he has invariably filled with much ability and with great devotion to the public welfare, thus rendering important services to civic

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Mortimer Aloysius Sullivan

Biography of Mortimer Aloysius Sullivan

Serving his fifth term as the mayor of Newport, Hon. Mortimer Aloysius Sullivan, former judge of the Probate Court, is known as a leader of the State bar, and in the practice of his profession has attained distinction. That he has a large and constant partisan and non-partisan following is attested by the fact of his elections to public office on repeated occasions. His contributions to the best traditions of the bar, the courts and the fields of service, in which he is and has been engaged, are well known to the public in Newport and throughout the Commonwealth. Timothy

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Rev. Edward A Higney

Biography of Rev. Edward A. Higney

A long and successful term of service has been that of Rev. Edward A. Higney, pastor of St. Joseph’s Church of Newport, Rhode Island, who took charge there January 18, 1912, and is still ably leading the people of that parish (1930). St. Joseph’s parish is, in reality, the oldest in Newport, though its existence has not been continuous. On August 20, 1837, Rt. Rev. Bishop Fenwick of Boston dedicated the first Catholic Church erected in Newport. It was a frame building, sixty-five by forty, with a gallery at the end, located on Barney Street, on the first land ever

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Frank Floyd Nolan

A native of Utah, but a resident of Newport during practically all of his life, Frank Floyd Nolan has been for many years, one of the leaders of the Newport bar. As a lawyer he has to his credit a successful career, covering more than four decades. Frank Floyd Nolan was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, January 6, 1859, a son of James and Ellen (Welsh) Nolan, the latter, a native of County Cork, Ireland, and both now deceased. James Nolan was a native of County Carlow, Ireland, and for many years until his death was superintendent of the

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