Biography of Sydney De Blois Harvey

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Mr. Harvey, born in Newport, has been a lifelong resident of this city, and on both his parents’ sides is a member of old and prominent Rhode Island families. With the exception of the early years of his career, in which he was engaged in business, he has been connected with the judiciary branch of the State Government. For almost a quarter of a century he has been clerk of the Superior Court at Newport, which responsible position he has filled with ability, faithfulness and efficiency. Major Harvey is also prominently active in fraternal circles, belongs to several patriotic and … Read more

Biography of William A. Peckham

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

William A. Peckham, a well-known attorney, of Newport, was born in Newport, April 13, 1892, a son of the late William A. and Emma L. (Slocum) Peckham. His father, a native of Middletown, Rhode Island, was successfully engaged in the grocery business until his death. Mr. Peckham’s mother was a native of New York City. Having received his early education in the public grammar and high schools of Newport, Mr. Peckham entered Harvard College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1914. Next he took up the study of law at the Harvard Law … Read more

Biography of Thomas G. Hazard, Jr.

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Occupied during his mature life as a civil engineer and a practical farmer, Thomas G. Hazard, Jr., of Narragansett, has been highly successful in both activities and has achieved a reputation that has brought him the admiration of the community. He is a representative of old Colonial stock and has lived up to the fine traditions of industry and enterprise that have been his heritage, making friends wherever he moved and retaining them through an attractive personality and a loyalty to duty and to his citizenship. Born in Narragansett, Rhode Island, July 20, 1862, he is a son of Thomas … Read more

Biography of Hugo R. A. Anthony

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Numerous enterprises have engaged the attention of Hugo R. A. Anthony, at present Collector of Taxes of the city of Newport; and in all of them he displayed an ability that attracted the attention of the community to his ability and versatility. He has served in numerous public offices, is popular in social and fraternal organizations and belongs to the leading clubs. His civic interest has been thoroughly tested and his spirit of patriotism is well known. Faultless in his integrity, he has held positions of solemn trust and has carried out the duties with commendable skill and to the … Read more

Biography of Harold A. Peckham

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

After a successful business career in the provision trade, covering a number of years, Mr. Peckham identified himself with investment banking. Today he is one of the best-known investment bankers in his native city, Newport, enjoying, to an unusual degree the confidence of his numerous customers. Other phases of the community’s life, too, hold his interest and for many years he has been prominently active in fraternal and social organizations, as well as in civic affairs. Thus he represents a high type of useful, vigorous, public-spirited citizen. Harold A. Peckham was born in Newport, September 17, 1873, a son of … Read more

Biography of George W. Bacheller

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

From his fifteenth year George W. Bacheller, of Newport, has been actively associated with financial and civic affairs and has become well known throughout Rhode Island’s banking circles. His other interests have been wide and contributive to the progress of numerous organizations with which he has become connected. He has held public office and administered its duties with credit to himself and to the full satisfaction of the electorate. In fraternal circles he has also been actively associated and is a popular and influential member of various societies and orders, as well as of social clubs and commercial organizations. Altogether, … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah A. Sullivan

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

A native of Massachusetts, but a resident of Newport since his childhood, Mr. Sullivan has been engaged in the successful practice of law in this city for almost a quarter of a century. His professional standing is of the highest and, to an unusual degree, he enjoys the confidence of the community in general, a fact evidenced by his long continuous service as city solicitor, to which office he has been regularly reelected since the expiration of his first term dating back to 1910. Jeremiah A. Sullivan was born at Fall River, Massachusetts, August 3, 1881, a son of the … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Sherman

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

A member of one of the oldest and most prominent Newport families, Mr. Sherman is a native and lifelong resident of this city. Here he commenced his career as a banker, immediately following the completion of his college education and here he began his publishing career, in 1918, as the owner of the “Newport Daily News.” He has been for many years one of the outstanding figures in financial, business, public, and social affairs. In all of these phases of the community’s life he has taken a prominent and effective part. Every movement, tending to advance civic progress and to … Read more

Biography of John Jay Watson, Jr.

John Jay Watson

The branch of the Watson family here under consideration has played an important part in Rhode Island history from colonial days to the present time, each succeeding generation adding fresh prestige to the family name. John Jay Watson who became a resident of New York City a few years ago, owing to certain developments in his business career, needs no introduction to the readers of this work; for he was prominent not only in the manufacturing and financial circles of his native State, but was also a very active participant in its political affairs. In this he carried out the … Read more

Biography of Francis Neil Fullerton

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

A resident of Newport since his early youth, Mr. Fullerton became connected with the city government almost three decades ago. Since 1907 he has served continuously as city clerk of Newport, the length of his service indicating how ably and efficiently he has filled this responsible position and to how great an extent he enjoys the liking and confidence of his fellow-townsmen. Mr. Fullerton undoubtedly is one of the most popular public officials in Newport, and this popularity also extends to the several fraternal and other organizations in which he maintains membership. Francis Neil Fullerton was born at Hartsport, Nova … Read more