Biography of William E. La Fond

Secretary and treasurer of the Woonsocket Trust Company since its organization, William E. La Fond has given his entire life to banking and finance, and in this field has risen to high position in Rhode Island.

Mr. La Fond was born in Manitoba, Canada, in November, 1890, a son of Ernest P. and Maria T. (McCarthy) La Fond. His father was a farmer for many years, and both parents are now living retired in North Smithfield, Rhode Island.

When he was still a child, William E. La Fond came with his parents to Woonsocket and in the public schools of this city he received his preliminary education. Following graduation from high school, he undertook a course of study in a commercial school, after which he began his business career. He was early attracted to financial work, and has devoted himself consistently to this field from the outset. At first he was employed in minor positions, but he spared no effort to master every detail of banking operations, and gradually rose to places of confidence and trust. Mr. La Fond started work with the National Union Bank the early part of 1911 as their messenger and in April, 1915. joined the Woonsocket Trust Company. On October 5, 1923, he was appointed assistant secretary and assistant treasurer and, after the death, on October 29, 1924, of Walter B. Greene, secretary and treasurer, Mr. La Fond was named to fill the vacancy, a position he has continued to fill with distinguished success until the present time. He is also a director of The Woonsocket Trust Company, the Woonsocket Chamber of Commerce, and is treasurer of the Woonsocket Taxpayers Association.

When the United States entered the World War Mr. La Fond immediately enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve forces and served from November 27, 1917, for twenty months as a gunner in the armed guard forces of the Transport Service. He received his discharge in 1919 and immediately returned to his banking duties. At Woonsocket Mr. La Fond has been active in various phases of the community life, and in spite of the demands of his profession upon him has never neglected his civic duty or lost interest in civic advance and progress. In politics he is an independent voter, preferring to decide for himself the qualifications of a candidate for office or the merits of a proposal submitted to the electorate, rather than blindly follow party dictates, but his support for all worthy causes is constantly assured. In the early part of 1931 he was made a member of the sinking fund commission of the city of Woonsocket. Mr. La Fond is affiliated fraternally with the Knights of Columbus, in which he has taken the Fourth Degree, and with the local post of the American Legion, while he is also a member of the American Institute of Banking. With his family he worships in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.

William E. La Fond married Philomene Sutton, who was born at Woonsocket, a daughter of John and Mary (Girouard) Sutton, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. La Fond have one daughter, Mary Lucille. They maintain their residence in Woonsocket, at No. 489 South Main Street, while Mr. La Fond’s offices are situated at No. 106 Main Street.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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