Biography of William M. Lee

William M. Lee — After having spent the first twenty-five years of his career in business, holding responsible positions with important Providence business concerns, Mr. Lee became a member of the civil administration of Cranston more than two decades ago. Ever since then he has served as treasurer of this city, the length of his service in that responsible and important office indicating how highly he is regarded by his fellow-citizens and to what an extent he enjoys their confidence. At various other times he has also held other important offices, in all of which he acquitted himself with much ability, faithfulness and efficiency. He is a member of several fraternal and other organizations, is prominently active in religious work and thus, in every respect, represents the best type of useful and public-spirited citizenship.

William M. Lee was born at Warwick, September 3, 1866, a son of the late George Taft and Penelope Barton (Smith) Lee. His father, a native of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, was successfully engaged in the dairy business until his death. His mother, also now deceased, was a native of the town of Warwick. Mr. Lee received his education in the public schools of Cranston and then attended the Bryant & Stratton Business College, Providence. Having completed his education, he entered the employ of the Spicer & Peckham Company of Providence, with which he was connected for ten years. He then became office manager for the R. L. Moorhead Company of Providence, in which capacity he served with much success until 1909- In that year he was elected town treasurer of Cranston. When, in 1910, this town became a city, he was elected city treasurer and ever since then he has continued to serve in that capacity. During 1909-14 he also was tax collector of Cranston, while during 1900-10 he served as a member of the Cranston School Committee and at one time he also held the office of justice of peace for several years. In politics he is a staunch supporter of the Republican party, in the affairs of which he has been prominently active for many years. He is a member of the Republican Club of Rhode Island, as well as of the New England Order of Protection; and Harmony Lodge, No. 9, Free and Accepted Masons, of which he is a Past Master. His religious affiliations are with the Pawtuxet Baptist Church, of which he is a deacon, holding also the office of vice-president of the Pawtuxet Baptist Society. Throughout his entire life Mr. Lee has been very fond of books, and many of his leisure hours have been spent happily in reading.

Mr. Lee married, June 6, 1889, Mary Frances Arnold, a native of Newark, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are the parents of two children: Jessie Arnold and Mildred Taft Lee.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 4 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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