Biography of Arthur G. Johnson

Arthur G. Johnson — Manager of the East Providence Branch of the Industrial Trust Company of Providence, Arthur G. Johnson has devoted his entire active career to the field of banking and finance. He was born at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, on October 16, 1892, a son of G. Andrew and Selma C. Johnson, both natives of Sweden. Following the completion of his preliminary education in the public schools of Providence, he attended Bryant and Stratton Business College and the American Institute of Banking, having already decided upon a banking career.

Beginning his active business life, Mr. Johnson entered the employ of Blanchard, Young and Company of Providence, with whom he remained for seven years. Subsequently, for one year, he was connected with the F. C. Henderson Company, of Boston, and in 1916 became associated with the Industrial Trust Company of Providence, with which he has since remained. Beginning as a bookkeeper, he advanced gradually to positions of greater importance and responsibility as he demonstrated the merits of his services. In 1921 he was transferred to the East Providence branch of this bank as assistant manager and in 1924 succeeded to the office of manager, which position he has since retained. Mr. Johnson was thoroughly qualified by experience and native ability for the duties which he assumed and his record in office has been one of continued success. He is a member of Providence Chapter, American Institute of Banking, and of the East Providence Business Men’s Association, while apart from his business and professional connections, he is a member of the Craftsman’s Club of Newport, the Craftsman’s Club of East Providence and the Lions Club of this city. Fraternally, he is affiliated with the Free and Accepted Masons, in which order he has been very active. He is a member of Doric Lodge, No. 38, and of many higher bodies, including Gibbs Chapter, No. 13, Royal Arch Masons; Adoniram Council, No. 8, Royal and Select Masters; Rhode Island Consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite; and Palestine Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.

Following the entrance of the United States into the World W’ar, Mr. Johnson enlisted in the navy in the spring of 1918, and was attached to the executive department of the Naval Training Station at Newport. He received his honorable discharge after the signing of the Armistice, with the rank of yeoman, second-class. In politics, Mr. Johnson is a consistent Republican, while with his family he worships in the Protestant Episcopal faith, attending Grace Church of this denomination at East Providence. He is fond of outdoor life, especially hunting and fishing, and in his leisure moments turns to these sports for relaxation and recreation.

In 1918, Arthur G. Johnson married Julia May Goozey, who was born at Johnson, Vermont. They are the parents of one daughter, June.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 4 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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