Biography of Samuel R. Robinson

Directly descended from Richard Warren, a member of the company that came to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the “Mayflower,” and also from fourteen governors and deputy governors of Rhode Island, of the sixth generation from Deputy Governor William Robinson, no man in Rhode Island has a heritage of prouder lineage than Samuel R. Robinson, of Wakefield, in the town of South Kingstown. For many years he has been engaged in the grocery business, conducting the enterprise established by his grandfather, the Hon. Sylvester Robinson, in 1821. Respected by virtue of his honorable character and his high principles of business conduct, as well as for his loyalty to the best traditions of sound citizenship, he has been called to high public office by his fellows and has served them with ability, wisdom and to their great advantage. He is among the most esteemed citizens and merchants of this State.

He was born in the village of Wakefield, South Kingstown, in 1859, a son of Benjamin F. and Caroline (Rodman) Robinson, and after quitting school began his career in his father’s store, founded by his grandfather, as related. In 1884 he left Rhode Island and went to Colorado, where he worked on cattle ranches until 1910, when he returned and became associated again in the family store, then being conducted by his brother, Benjamin F. He has held most of the town offices, including the council and school board and from 1912 to 1920 served the district in the State Senate. He is a Republican in politics and has served as a delegate to frequent State conventions and as a member of the State Central Republican Committee. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, his eligibility coming directly from his great-great-grandfather, Colonel Joseph Noyes, who served with distinction in the War of the Revolution and was commended for his personal bravery on the battlefield. He is fraternally affiliated with the Masonic body, being a member of the Blue Lodge in Wakefield and the Royal Arch Masons there and with the Commandery, Knights Templar, of Westerly.

Samuel R. Robinson married Nellie C. Carnahan, of Sparta, Wisconsin. Their children are:

  1. Agnes C., married Paul A. Collins, of Newton, Connecticut.
  2. Samuel Rodman, Jr., representing the fourth generation of the family in the grocery store founded in 1821. He married Ruth A. Spaulding, of Barrington, Rhode Island.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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