Biography of Roger W. Rodman

For nine years the town of Wickford, Rhode Island, has made wide use of the business establishment of Roger W. Rodman, who operates an ice cream plant and distributes radiola radios, newspapers, and periodicals.

Roger W. Rodman was born in Lafayette Village, in the town of North Kingstown, Rhode Island, March 2, 1888, son of Walter and Carrie E. (Taber) Rodman. The father, also a native of North Kingstown, was a partner in the Rodman Manufacturing Company until his death. The mother, also a native of North Kingstown, is deceased. The son was educated in the public schools of his native village and continued his academic studies in the North Kingstown High School, rounding out his education with a course at Bryant & Stratton’s business college. In 1907 he became associated with the Merchants National Bank of Providence, and remained there until 1920 as teller. He then established himself in business in Wickford, manufacturing ice cream and carrying a line of popular commodities. He has prospered and has become a factor in the economic life of the town, where his enterprise is popular and much patronized. He is a stockholder in the Rodman Manufacturing Company.

His political affiliations are with the Republican party. Mr. Rodman is a member of Washington Lodge, No. 5, Free and Accepted Masons, of which he is Past Master; of Narragansett Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of which he is Past High Priest; of Narragansett Council, Royal and Select Masters, of which he is past Thrice Illustrious Master; of Calvary Commandery, Knights Templar; and Palestine Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. A member of the North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce, he served the organization as its first president, secretary, and treasurer. He belongs also to the Annaquatucket Country Club, the Town Criers, the Rhode Island Fish and Game Association, and to the North Kingstown Fire Department as chief. He is a communicant of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. His hobby is hunting, golf, and fishing.

Roger W. Rodman married, in 1910, Jessie C. Maglone, who was born in Lafayette Village also; they are the parents of two daughters: Nancy, and Janice.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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