Biography of Lewis Stanton

A descendant of the first white man to settle in what is now Westerly and himself a native and lifelong resident of that place, Mr. Stanton is widely known not only as a member of one of the pioneer families of his native town, but also because of his prominence in the business, civic, fraternal and social life of Westerly. The owner of a successful painting and decorating business founded by his father and for many years connected with one of the leading banks, Mr. Stanton is regarded as one of the representative business men of the city. His public spirit has led him to take an active and very effective part in civic affairs, while his pleasing personality makes him a very popular member of the various fraternal and social organizations to which he belongs.

Lewis Stanton was born at Westerly on January 5, 1880, a son of Courtland G. and Mary (Lewis) Stanton. He is a direct descendant of Thomas Stanton, one of the pioneer settlers of Rhode Island and the first white man to live in that part of the State now known as Westerly. Both of Mr. Stanton’s parents were born in Connecticut. Mr. Stanton received his education in the public schools of Westerly and then entered the employ of the Niantic Bank. His first position was that of office boy, but his ability and strict attention to his work quickly won him promotions until he eventually became paying teller. When the Niantic Bank was taken over by the Industrial Trust Company of Providence and became the Westerly branch of that bank, Mr. Stanton continued under the new management and later was made assistant manager. He is widely known in business circles and is regarded as one of the most able of the younger generation of Westerly bankers. Also, he is the proprietor of the painting and decorating business established by his father under the firm name of C. G. Stanton Company. In spite of the extensive business interests thus shouldered by Mr. Stanton, he has found it possible to give both time and attention to civic affairs. For many years he has been one of the most active members of the Westerly Chamber of Commerce of which he is now the president. He is a member also of the board of water commissioners, moderator of the fire district and town moderator, as well as treasurer of the Westerly Chapter of the American Red Cross. Prominently active since his early manhood in Masonic affairs, he is a member and Past Master of Franklin Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; member of Westerly Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; the Mystic Council, Royal and Select Masters; a member and Past Commander of Narragansett Commandery, Knights Templar; and Palestine Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Providence. His clubs include the Westerly Masonic Club, the Colonial Club, the Winnapaug Club, the Westerly Boat Club and the Palestine Shrine Club. In politics he is a supporter of the Republican party, while his religious affiliations, like those of his family, are with the Calvary Baptist Church of Westerly.

Mr. Stanton married Charlotte Peabody, like himself a native of Westerly, a daughter of J. Alden and Augusta (Crumb) Peabody. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton are the parents of two children:

  1. Mary Augusta, a graduate of Wellesley College, from which she received the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
  2. Alden Peabody Stanton.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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