Biography of Frank E. Brown

Successfully engaged in the insurance and real estate business in Wakefield for some thirty-five years, Mr. Brown is regarded one of that town’s outstanding and representative business men and citizens. His exceptional business ability has brought him not only well-deserved personal success, but has also greatly benefited one of the leading local financial institutions, with which he has been identified for many years in various capacities. Civic activities, too, have received a share of his time and attention, and he has also been prominently active for many years in several fraternal organizations, in which he has held high office. In every respect he represents the highest type of useful and substantial citizen and he enjoys to the fullest extent the respect and confidence of the community.

Frank E. Brown was born at Wickford, February 17, 1875, a son of the late Oliva R. and Sarah W. (Tisdale) Brown. Both his parents, now deceased, were born in Rhode Island, his mother at Exeter, his father, who for many years was successfully engaged as a blacksmith, at Wickford. Mr. Brown himself received his early education in the public schools of his native town and then attended Bryant & Stratton’s Business College. After leaving the school he worked for one year in Providence as a bookkeeper and then returned to Wickford, where he was employed for some time in various positions. In 1895 he became associated with the late Daniel C. Sweet in the insurance business in Wickford, this association continuing until 1905, when Mr. Sweet died and when Mr. Brown took over the business. This he has continued ever since, under the firm name of F. E. Brown & Son, carrying on a large and profitable real estate and insurance business. Since 1901 Mr. Brown has been identified with the Wickford Savings Bank as a member of its board of trustees. In 1923 he was elected president of this bank, serving in that capacity until December, 1927, when he resigned and became treasurer, which latter office he has continued to fill very ably. He is a trustee of the North Kingstown Library and for the past seven years has served as a member of the North Kingstown School Board. For many years prominently active in fraternal affairs, he is a member and a Past Master of Washington Lodge, No. 5, Free and Accepted Masons, and a member, Past Grand, and trustee of Beacon Lodge, No. 38, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In politics he is independent. His religious affiliation is with the Christian Science Church. He is fond of outdoor sports and is especially interested in baseball.

Mr. Brown married, in 1902, Mary Helen Peirce, like himself a native of Wickford. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the parents of two children:

  1. F. Oliva, associated with his father in the real estate and insurance business under the firm name of F. E. Brown & Son.
  2. Helen Winona.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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