
Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 4

Biography of Albert Louis Greenberg

Albert Louis Greenberg, born on March 28, 1900, in Jassy, Rumania, relocated to Newport, Rhode Island, during his early childhood. Son of David and Rose (Wagner) Greenberg, Albert pursued his education at Newport’s public schools and graduated from the Law School of Boston University in 1925. Admitted to the Rhode Island bar in 1926, he established his legal practice at 166 Thames Street. Active in several fraternal organizations and local politics, Greenberg is also a member of the Newport Bar Association and the Touro St. Hebrew Temple. He resides with his father and is unmarried.

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Congressman William Paine Sheffield

Biography of William Paine Sheffield

William P. Sheffield (1893-), a prominent lawyer and industrial executive in Rhode Island, upheld the legacy of his father and grandfather, both named William Paine Sheffield. The Sheffield family, established in Newport, Rhode Island, since the colonial era, had a history of significant contributions to society and politics. Sheffield, educated at Brown University and Harvard Law School, joined the family law firm and held various civic and business roles. He served as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army during WWI. Sheffield married Agatha Spoank in 1917, and they had four children: William P. IV, Edwin S., Richard B., and Agatha S.

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 4

Biography of W. Norman Sayer

W. Norman Sayer, born January 20, 1894, in Newport, Rhode Island, interrupted his studies at the University of Pennsylvania to serve in World War I. Enlisting in the U.S. Army Engineers Corps in 1917, he rose to first lieutenant before his discharge in 1919. Post-war, Sayer worked for the New England Steamship Company and later became clerk of the Newport District Court. Active in local politics and community organizations, he was elected city clerk of Newport in 1930. Sayer married Zita V. Fletcher in 1918, and they had one son, Archibald Baldwin Sayer.

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of John Russell Haire

During the ten years he has been a member of the bar of Rhode Island, with his practice temporarily interrupted by the World War, in which he served with distinction, John Russell Haire, of Newport, has made a good record in his profession and is credited with ability of a high order. He is a popular member of numerous business, social and fraternal organizations and during his periods of relaxation is devoted to athletics. Sound in his citizenship, he does not forget the obligations it entails and is vitally concerned In all affairs of a civic nature that are proposed

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Joseph F. Murphy

Identified with the dairy industry for more than twenty years, ever since he left school as a youth, Mr. Murphy has been for many years one of the best-known and most highly regarded men in the dairy industry in Newport. Both as manager of the Aquidneck Dairymen’s Association and, more recently, as president and manager of the Aquidneck Ice Cream Company, Incorporated, he has shown himself exceptionally able. These two enterprises, among the leading establishments of their kind in Rhode Island, owe much of their success and prosperity to Mr. Murphy. Joseph F. Murphy was born at Newport, on October

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Thomas F. Keeher, Jr.

One of the leaders of the younger generation of Newport’s business men, Mr. Keeher, as the successor of his father in the building and contracting business established by the latter, has proven himself an exceptionally able business executive. Taking over this business immediately after his return from college, Mr. Keeher, though then only twenty-one years old, showed himself a “chip off the old block.” Not only has he maintained the fine reputation built up by his father, but he has even extended the operations of the firm, so that it ranks among the leading establishments of its kind in Newport.

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Joseph S. Lawton

Connected for some thirty-three years with the Newport Fire Department, Mr. Lawton has been its chief since 1927. Under his very able and efficient direction the Newport Fire Department has been maintained on a very high plane of preparedness and efficiency, and Mr. Lawton ranks high among the city’s public officials. Joseph S. Lawton was born in Newport, February 22, 1871, a son of Edward N. and Frances (Wilson) Lawton. His father, likewise a native of Newport, was successfully engaged in the fishing industry. He is now living retired. He was a veteran of the Civil War, during which he

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