Biography of Rev. B. Marenchino

Rev B Marenchino
Rev B Marenchino

Five years of active work as pastor of St. Rocco’s Church of Thornton, Rhode Island, have served to win for Rev. B. Marenchino the deep regard and the hearty cooperation of his people.

St. Rocco’s parish was organized in 1905, with Rev. Belliotti Dominic as its first pastor. Father Belliotti Dominic labored a year organizing and starting the parish on the road of progress, building the church and establishing its societies, and then was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Gotti, who remained in charge from 1903 to 1918, for fifteen years. During that time Father Joseph Gotti accomplished a great work, developing the material and spiritual resources of the parish and confirming and enlarging the beginnings made by the first pastor. He built the attractive twelve-room rectory and substantially increased the membership of the parish. He was succeeded by Francis Berti, who gave three years of able service to St. Rocco’s, and at the end of that time was followed by David Angeli. The next pastor was Rev. Father Slvio Sarvori, who served until 1925, when the present pastor, Rev. B. Marenchino, took charge.

Rev. B. Marenchino was born in Italy and received his early education in the public and private schools of his native province. When his preparatory training was completed he entered Piacenza Seminary, where he completed his theological studies and was ordained in 1895. After his ordination he came to this country and was assigned as an assistant to St. Joachim’s parish in New York, where he served for five years. He was then made a pastor and placed in charge of St. Michael’s Church of New Haven, Connecticut, a parish of a membership of ten thousand souls, and during the first four years of his pastorate there Father Marenchino built a beautiful church, which is said to be one of the finest in the State. The last year of his pastorate this church was destroyed by fire and Father Marenchino built another one that seated eighteen hundred people. He had nearly finished this when he was transferred to St. Anthony’s Church. This was a new parish, and for twenty-one years he continued as pastor, accomplishing a great work and winning the enthusiastic devotion of his people. His splendid qualities of leadership and his sincere Christian character enabled him to direct his people in the paths of progress and achievement, and when, in 1925, he was transferred to his present charge as pastor of St. Rocco’s Church in Thornton, he left behind him a regretful parish.

Since coming to St. Rocco’s, Father Marenchino has amply justified the faith placed in him. He has enlarged the seating capacity of the church by the addition of about one hundred and fifty seats, has redecorated the interior of the church, has redecorated the rectory, and has put the entire church property in excellent condition. The various parish societies, including a Holy Name Society for men, a Junior Holy Name Society for the young men, a Holy Rosary Society for women, a Children of Mary Society for the children, are all vigorous and active and steadily growing. Among young and old alike, Father Marenchino is popular and beloved, and in every parish activity which he undertakes he has the full cooperation of his people. In Thornton he is also respected and admired by those not of his own religious faith, who recognize the high quality of the service he is rendering.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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