Biography of George W. Hathaway

A member of an old Providence family and himself a native and life-long resident of this city, Mr. Hathaway has been connected for more than four decades with one of the leading department stores of Providence, The Boston Store. Having started with this concern in a clerical capacity as a youth of some twenty-one years, his industry and his devotion to the various duties assigned to him from time to time gained him frequent and rapid advancement and for many years he has held an important executive position, being now one of the officers of the company. He is widely and favorably known in commercial circles in Providence and, indeed, in the entire State. A man of pleasing personality, he is a popular member of numerous fraternal, social, civic, and religious organizations and for many years has been especially active in Masonic affairs.

George W. Hathaway was born in Providence, December 4, 1866, a son of the late David A. and Mary J. (Kimball) Hathaway. His parents, now deceased, were natives of Providence, where his father was successfully engaged until his death in the sash and blind business. Mr. Hathaway received his education in the public schools of his native city and as a boy became connected with the Providence Public Library, with which he continued for two years. Next he was for a short time with the American Electrical Works. In 1887 he became associated with the Callender, McAuslan & Troupe Company, owners of one of the most successful department stores in Providence, popularly known as The Boston Store. His first position with this company was as entry clerk. Showing unusual ability, he was made, before very long, assistant treasurer and office manager. The latter position he still holds, but in the meantime he has been promoted to the position of secretary of the company. Mr. Hathaway is regarded as one of the leading business men of Providence and stands very high in the community. For many years prominently active in Masonic affairs, he is a member of several Masonic bodies, including the following: Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 4, Free and Accepted Masons; Providence Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; St. John’s Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar; Palestine Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the Palestine Club and of the Providence Central Club. In politics he is a supporter of the Republican party, while his religious affiliation is with the Central Baptist Church. He finds his recreation chiefly in bowling and for a number of years has served as president of the Department Store League of Providence.

Mr. Hathaway married, in 1902, Elizabeth I. Grant, like himself a native of Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway have no children. They make their home in Providence.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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