Biography of Ellis A. Cranston

Ellis A. Cranston, a member of an old and prominent Rhode Island family, was born in this State and has always lived here. After more than twenty years with a well-known Providence concern, he became chief of police of his native town, Warwick, and has filled this office very ably for the last seventeen years. He has been active in various fraternal organizations and is one of the popular and highly respected members of the community.

Ellis A. Cranston was born at Warwick, May 3, 1876, a son of the late Orlando R. and Ida M. (Johnson) Cranston, and a direct descendant of Hon. John Cranston and Hon. Samuel Cranston, both Colonial governors of Rhode Island. Mr. Cranston’s father, in business until his death, was a native of Smithfield, while his mother was a native of Cranston. Having received his education in the public schools of Warwick and Providence, Mr. Cranston became connected with the L. H. Tillinghast Supply Company, of Providence, with which he remained until 1913. In that year he was appointed the chief of police of Warwick, and he has filled this office so ably, and to the satisfaction of his fellow-citizens that he has been continued in it ever since. His office is located in the town hall in the village of Apponaug. He is a past president of the New England Police Chiefs Association, served for two years as secretary of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Council, and is a member of the International Police Chiefs Association. For many years active in fraternal affairs, he is a member and a Past Grand of Westminster Lodge, No. 27, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and also a member of Mazeppa Encampment.. He has also served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has served for two years as Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. Equally prominent has been his connection with the Masonic order. He is a member of Harmony Lodge, No. 9, Free and Accepted Masons; Nathanael Greene Lodge, No. 45, Free and Accepted Masons, of which he is Senior Deacon; Harmony Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Calvary Commandery,.Knights Templar; and Palestine Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. In politics he is a supporter of the Republican party, while his religious affiliation is with the Baptist Church.

Mr. Cranston married, in 1898, Sarah Allebaugh, a native of Reading, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston are the parents of four children: Ruth A., Esther A., Lois, and Ellis W.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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