Biography of Edward C. Bixby

Providence long has been known for its progressive financiers and brokers, who make possible the expansion of industry creating new vitality in this field for all New England. Mr. Bixby, native of Providence, who has engaged as broker of securities and investments for a score of years, is one of the city’s outstanding men in financial affairs. His operations have proven a great constructive factor in the commercial and industrial progress of Rhode Island. His record is of interest.

Born June 30, i860, Mr. Bixby is a son of Bernadotte and Susan Jackson (Moses) Bixby. His father, native of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, became widely known as commercial traveler. He was on the road until his death. Susan Jackson (Moses) Bixby was a native of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. For many years the family lived in Providence, out of which the elder Mr. Bixby traveled.

Edward C. Bixby secured a sound academic instruction in the public schools of Providence, and entered Brown University. He took therefrom the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1882. Three years later he received the degree of Master of Arts. Meanwhile he had begun his career, in 1882 having become assistant librarian in Providence Public Library. He continued with the library work twenty-seven years, until 1909, then left his post to enter the investment and securities business. After a good experience, from 1910 to 1912, Mr. Bixby went into business for himself, establishing the firm of Edward C. Bixby and Company, dealers in investment securities. Success followed his efforts, as he held a wide acquaintance, and all who knew him valued his judgment and reposed confidence in his integrity. In 1928, after he had conducted the affairs of his business with increased success for sixteen years, he incorporated the firm, with himself as president and treasurer. The company deals in both listed and unlisted securities, and ranks as one of the oldest and most reliable investment houses in Providence. Offices are in the Hospital Trust Building.

Despite the pressure of his business responsibilities, Mr. Bixby finds time for public-spirited works, and is known as a loyal citizen deeply interested in the future of Providence and Rhode Island. A Republican, he adheres to the principles of the party, and owns influence within its ranks. He is a member of the Providence Art Club, University Club, Association of Alumni of Brown University, Economics Qub, Brown Club, Providence Athenaeum, Rhode Island School of Design, Town Criers’ Club, University Glee Qub, the Chamber of Commerce, Warwick Country Club, and the Brown Club of New York City. He attends the Universalist Church. His favorite recreations are golf and gardening.

The assistance which Mr. Bixby has given to the progress of his city and State has been very real and of enduring value. As a business man of vision, which he applies practically, and as a citizen of loyal public spirit, which he turns into useful channels, he continues to exert an influence on contemporary affairs which will bring added benefit.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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