Biography of Nathan H. Jones

Nearly forty years ago the Mill Street Laundry in Newport was established by Henry J. Jones, who conducted it successfully until his death in 1929, when it became the sole property of his son, Nathan H. Jones. From an enterprise employing a driver and a wagon and sending its work to Boston to be done, it has grown to be a modem plant, with full machinery, automobile delivery, uniformed chauffeurs and employing fifty persons. This has been largely due to the progressive ability of the present owner, who is one of the most enterprising young business men of Newport.

He was born in Newport, Rhode Island, October 10, 1886, a son of Henry J. Jones, in his earlier years a cabinet maker and, later, proprietor of the laundry referred to in the foregoing, and Lillie R. (Palmer) Jones, of Zanesville, Ohio. He was educated in the public schools of Newport and at East Greenwich Academy and Rockland Military Academy, upon completion of which he became associated with his father in business. In 1921, in addition to his work at the laundry, he obtained the sole agency in Newport County for the Packard automobile and conducted this enterprise with success until March, 1930, when he disposed of it and gave his entire attention to his other business, to which he had fallen heir. Mr. Jones is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and is fraternally affiliated with Excelsior Lodge, No. 49, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Newport Lodge, No. 104, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He is a Republican in politics, his recreations being aviation, boating and swimming. He attends Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church.

Nathan H. Jones married, in 1914, Caroline Louise Zech, a native of Bremen, Germany.

Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.

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