Biography of Thomas A. Lacross

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Having begun work in one of the largest mills in Rhode Island as a boy, immediately following the completion of his education, Mr. Lacross, in the years following, acquired a very thorough training and wide experience by being connected with a number of other mills in Rhode Island and elsewhere. Eventually he established, together with an associate, a mill of his own, of which he is now the sole owner. Its steady growth and prosperity is largely attributable to Mr. Lacross’ exceptional business and executive ability and to his industry and energy. His establishment being one of the important manufacturing … Read more

Biography of Col. Harold Judson Gross

Harold Judson Gross

A figure of distinguished importance in the life of Rhode Island for many years, Colonel Harold Judson Gross was one of the most prominent of the State’s business men, and a public servant whose efforts were very valuable in the civic development of the Commonwealth. His business activities extended beyond Rhode Island’s borders, but his interest and his affection always centered about the State of his birth. Mr. Gross was born at Providence, on April 15, 1866, son of J. Mason and Elizabeth H. (Judson) Gross. His father was a manufacturer of this city, and the son was educated in … Read more

Biography of LeBaron Bradford Colt

LeBaron Bradford Colt

Statesman, jurist, and brilliant lawyer, LeBaron Bradford Colt achieved in his lifetime a career of the greatest honor and success. He was twice elected to the United States Senate from Rhode Island by the suffrage of the people. He gave his brilliant talents unselfishly for the public good, and through the constructive influences of a life of service contributed much to the progress of his State and Nation. Senator Colt was born at Dedham, Massachusetts, on June 25, 1846, a son of Christopher and Theodora Goujand (DeWolf) Colt, and member both paternally and maternally of distinguished old New England families. … Read more