West Warwick

Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 4

Biography of John Francis Deering

John Francis Deering, born November 24, 1863, in Melfort, Scotland, was a prominent educator in Rhode Island. After moving to the United States, he graduated from La Salle Academy in 1878 and later took a course at the Rhode Island School of Design. Deering worked as a principal and teacher at Arctic Public School from 1882 to 1913 before becoming superintendent of schools in West Warwick. He was active in various organizations, including the Knights of Columbus and the National Education Association. He married twice and had two children from his first marriage.

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Ephraim Perry Colson

Progressive work in the educational field of Rhode Island has been done since 1920 by Ephraim Perry Colson in the office which he has held during that period of superintendent of the schools of Scituate and Foster. A prior experience dating back to 1907 was brought to his present office and has materially assisted him in the efficient work he has performed in the system here. Sincerely devoted to his work, Mr. Colson has constantly sought to improve himself while supervising that of the student body over which he has jurisdiction, with the results that his efforts have met with

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Albert W. Bradley

A native of New York State, but since his early childhood a resident of Rhode Island, Mr. Bradley was during the earlier part of his career identified in various responsible positions with several of the leading manufacturing companies of Kent County. Eventually, he became a member of one of the leading insurance firms of Kent County, becoming the secretary and treasurer. He enjoys not only a high reputation in business and financial circles, but has been exceptionally prominent and active in fraternal affairs. Effectively active in church work, Mr. Bradley, by the extent and variety of his numerous interests, typifies

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