
Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 4

Biography of Andres Anderson

Andres Anderson — Engaged in the dairy and poultry business on the Sneach Pond Road in the town of Cumberland, Rhode Island, Andres Anderson owns a sixty-four-acre farming property in this district and is widely and favorably known among the farmers here and in the milk trade. He sells his dairy products wholesale and conducts an extensive business in this region of New England. Mr. Anderson was born in Sweden, on July 17, 1870, son of Andrew Carlson Anderson. His parents never came to the United States, but he himself crossed the ocean to take up his home in the […]

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Rhode Island - three centuries of democracy vol 3

Biography of Squire Senior Nicholson

In the business life of Rhode Island Squire Senior Nicholson is one of the foremost leaders, being president and founder of what is known as the Nicholson-Thackery chain store system in Rhode Island. This business he established in cooperation with his brother, Frederick Nicholson, many years ago, and it has grown to such proportions that its success is widely and generally recognized. Although now retired from active business endeavor, Mr. Nicholson maintains a lively interest in business affairs in New England and in the stores which he set up many years ago. Mr. Nicholson was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England,

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