It is more than two and a half centuries since the immigrant ancestor of the Hazard family, an outline of whose genealogy follows, helped to found the Colony of Rhode Island. From that time to the present his descendants have taken a usefully active and prominent part in every phase of its economic, political, professional and social life, and their names are to be found upon nearly every page of the State’s recorded history. Rowland Hazard is a worthy scion of this virile race. Not content to run in the economic groove worn by forebears who, in their day, were in the vanguard of industrialists, Mr. Hazard has had vision to see the trend of the times and has kept himself and the enterprises he has guided abreast of the economic and financial developments of this century. He has, also, a keen appreciation of cultural values, is interested in music and his interest in classic art has led him to establish in the Far West a ceramic industry in which the mass production methods of this machine age find no place, but where each artisan not only has freedom to do so, but is expected to express himself in his handicraft.
In his “Recollections of Olden Times,” Thomas R. Hazard quotes an English genealogist of this family as follows:
The family of Hassard, Hassart, or Hazard, is of Norman extraction, and of considerable antiquity. At the time of the Conquest they were living on the borders of Switzerland and distinguished by the ancient but long extinguished title of Duke de Charante. Two bearing this title visited the Holy Land as Crusaders. One of the latter was killed in a rebellion against the kings of France, and his widow fled with her youngest son to England. It is supposed that at her death the son took the name of Hazard or Hassart from the manor of that name and soon after settled in Gloucestershire.
The family coat-of-arms is:
Arms —Azure two bars argent, on a chief or, three escallops gules.
Crest —An escallop gules.
(I) Thomas Hazard, born in 1610, appears first in America in Boston in 1635. He was admitted freeman there in 1638, and two years later became a freeman of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. He was one of the founders and first town officers of Newport and was made a freeman of that town in 1639. In 1640 he was appointed a member of the General Court of Elections. His will was dated November 13, 1676, and he died in Portsmouth in 1680. The maiden name of his first wife, Martha, is unknown. She died in 1669.
(II) Robert Hazard, their son, was born in 1635. He was admitted a freeman of Portsmouth in 1665, and from that time until 1698 his name appears often in the Colonial records as chosen to fill some important position. In 1671 he bought five hundred acres in Kings Town; in 1687 he was taxed there, and it was not long after that that he built his house there. He gave the larger part of the Kings Town purchase to his son George in 1695. In 1710, shortly before his death, Robert Hazard sold the remainder of his farm with “my manor house where I now live” to his son Robert. Robert Hazard, Sr., married Mary Brownell, born in 1639, daughter of Thomas and Anne Brownell.
Thomas Brownell was born in 1619. He came from Derbyshire, England. His name first appears on record in this country when his marriage was recorded, 1638. He and his wife died in 1665. The Brownell family has ever been prominent in this State. Thomas Brownell was commissioner in 1655-61-62-63, and was deputy in 1664.
(III) Thomas Hazard, son of Robert and Mary (Brownell) Hazard, was born in 1660. The land records show his name more often than that of any other of the old planters as purchaser of large tracts of land from the original purchasers, and at good prices. Previous to 1746, a shipyard, “Great Pier,” and warehouses were on the farm that he gave in 1739 to his son, Jonathan Hazard. This farm, situated on Boston Neck, is now known as the Governor Brown and John J. Watson farms. Thomas Hazard was admitted a freeman of Portsmouth in 1684. His name appears in Colonial records but twice after this date: in 1696 as freeman from Kings Town and in 1717 as appellant in a lawsuit. He made his first purchase of land in Narragansett previous to 1696—nine hundred acres from Samuel Sewell and other land. A part of this purchase is now the Hazard homestead in Peace Dale. He became a large landowner, one of his subsequent purchases being what is called “Little Neck Farm.” At one time his total holdings amounted to nearly 4,000 acres. It is generally supposed that his wife’s maiden name was Susannah Nichols. He died a widower in 1746.
(IV) Robert Hazard, the next in this line of descent, was born May 3 (or 23), 1689, the fourth in a family of ten children. He too became a large landholder. Part of his acreage he received from his father before his death; but the most of it he acquired by purchase. Robert Hazard married Sarah Borden, born July 31, 1694, daughter of Richard and Innocent Borden.
Richard Borden was born in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, October 25, 1671. He married, in 1692, Innocent Wardwell. His father, John Borden, was born in September, 1640, and died June 4, 1716. He became one of the largest land-owners of his day and one of the most famous historical characters of his time. He married, December 25, 1670, Mary Earl, daughter of William Earl of Portsmouth. His father, John Borden, arrived in Boston in the fall of 1635. He was then twenty-eight years old. He came originally from Wales. The early generations of this family were members of the Society of Friends.
(V) Thomas Hazard, son of Robert and Innocent (Borden) Hazard, and known as “College Tom,” was born September 15, 1720. He freed his own slaves about 1745 and was instrumental in abolishing slavery in Rhode Island. He was an incorporator and Fellow of Brown University, and was a member of the committee of the Society of Friends to relieve suffering during the Revolutionary War. He married, March 27, 1742, Elizabeth Robinson, born June 16, 1724, daughter of Deputy Governor William Robinson. Elizabeth Robinson was descended from Rowland Robinson, born in Cumberland County, England, in 1654 and died in 1716. He came to America in 1675. He married Mary Allen, born February 4, 1653, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Bacon) Allen, who came from Barnstable, England. Rowland Robinson was deputy from Kings Town in 1705. In 1709 he bought 3,000 acres known as Wood River Lands. William Robinson, son of Rowland and Mary (Allen) Robinson, was born January 26, 1693. He was a resident of South Kings Town and served as deputy from 1724-28, 1734-36, and in 1741-42. He was at one time Speaker of the House of Deputies.
(VI) Rowland Hazard, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Robinson) Hazard, was born April 4, 1763. He lived in South Kingstown. He set up the first carding machines in the town of Peace Dale, which village was named for his wife, thus establishing, as early as 1800, the industry which has since developed into the Peace Dale Manufacturing Company. He also had shipping interests, first at Charleston, South Carolina, and afterwards at Narragansett, this State. After the destruction of the pier there, in 1815, Mrs. Hazard wrote him that she hoped he would not rebuild it, as it had always been a troublesome property. She quoted his grandfather. Governor Robinson as having desired that none of his children would try to maintain it. Late in life Mr. Hazard removed to Pleasant Valley, New York, where he died. He married, in 1793, at Charleston, South Carolina, Mary Peace, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Gibson) Peace.
(VII) Rowland Gibson Hazard, LL. D., son of Rowland and Mary (Peace) Hazard, was born October 9, 1801, in the house of his grandfather Hazard on Tower Hill, South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and died in Peace Dale, this State, June 24, 1888. In early life he went to live in the home of his maternal grandfather, Isaac Peace, who then resided in Bristol, Pennsylvania. Young Hazard attended school in Burlington, New Jersey, across the Delaware. In 1813 he was sent to West Town School. He remained there five years and during that time developed a strong taste for mathematics, in which he acquired such proficiency that he discovered new modes of demonstration in conic sections. Within the limits of its curriculum this school gave a thorough training; yet Mr. Hazard always lamented his lack of a systematic classical education. He had a voracious appetite for knowledge, however, and by wide and attentive reading he more than made up for what he lost by not going to college. In 1819, he returned to Rhode Island and with his brother, Isaac Peace Hazard, t*ok charge of the manufacturing business in Peace Dale in which their father was also engaged. Under the able management of the brothers the business was largely increased.
Mr. Hazard was always keenly interested in public affairs, and he had the ability to express himself clearly and forcefully in writing; not only that, he had much on many subjects that was well worth saying. He wrote many articles dealing with phases of the litigation over the Union Pacific Railroad. During the Civil War he did much to sustain Northern credit both at home and abroad. His newspaper articles on the public finances were collected and published in pamphlet form, mainly by bankers in New York City for foreign readers. Collections of them were published in London, and epitomes were translated and published in Amsterdam and at Frankfort-on-the-Main. These articles had wide influence. Through them and by his personal interviews, Mr. Hazard induced European bankers, who were becoming distrustful, to hold and increase their investments in United States bonds. This action was taken after conference with President Lincoln and the Secretary of the Treasury, in which an official position was offered Mr. Hazard; but he preferred to act in the capacity of a private citizen. He also opposed a suggestion made during that war to increase the circulation of paper money. His arguments on this subject were published in the New York “Evening Post” and other newspapers and were subsequently printed in a pamphlet with other articles under the title, “Our Resources.”
From 1833 to 1843 Mr. Hazard visited the South annually. The workings of slavery that came to his attention deepened his abhorrence of an institution he had long detested. In New Orleans, through his efforts, many free negroes unjustly detained in the chain-gang, were released. His speech on the Fugitive Slave law in the Rhode Island Legislature in 1850, while generous and appreciative of the slave-owners’ position, is a powerful denunciation of the institution. There was never any self-seeking in any of Mr. Hazard’s public or political activities. He was motivated by philanthropic and high moral ideals and a fine appreciation of social values. He was early identified with the Free Soil and Anti-Slavery party, and was one of the founders of the Republican party. With Edward Harris of Woonsocket, he attended its first convention, which met in Pittsburgh. He was made a member of its Committee on Platform and Resolutions. He was also a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention of 1856, and many of the resolutions and addresses published in Rhode Island during that campaign were from his pen. He was a member of the Chicago Convention in 1860 which nominated Abraham Lincoln, and he assisted in drafting the platform adopted by that convention. He was in Europe in 1864; but in 1868 he was again a delegate to the national convention at Chicago, which nominated General Grant. Again he was a member of the Committee on Platform and was the author of the financial section. He served as a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives in 1851-52, 1854-55, and in 1880-81. In 1866-67 he was a member of the State Senate.
Mr. Hazard was always most liberal in his support of the schools and churches of his town and in the erection of their town house. But his private benefactions were distributed according to the precept not to let the left hand know what the right hand doeth. His interest in education was further demonstrated by his giving $40,000 to found and endow a professorship of physics at Brown University. He numbered among his friends many men of great learning, among the number being John Stuart Mill, with whom he became acquainted on one of his trips abroad.
Mr. Hazard’s chief works bear the following titles: “Essay on Language” (1834). Referring to that book, Dr. Channing, the famous Unitarian divine said: “I have known a man of vigorous intellect, whose mind was almost engrossed by the details of an extensive business, but who composed a book of much original thought, in steamboats and on horseback, while visiting distant customers.” Other titles are: “The Adaption of the Universe to the Cultivation of the Mind” (1840); “Causes of Decline of Political Morality” (1841), a treatise that had a great influence in abolishing lotteries from Rhode Island; “Fourth of July Oration on Temperance” (1843) ; “The Philosophical Character of Channing” (1844); “The Character and Works of the Late Chief Justice Durfee, LL. D., of Rhode Island” (1845); “The Relations of Railroad Corporations to the Public” (1849); “The Duty of Individuals to Support Science and Literature” (1855); “The Resources of the United States” (1864); “The Freedom of the Mind in Willing” (1866); this was followed in 1869 by “Causation and Freedom in Willing.” In 1845, Brown University conferred upon Mr. Hazard the degree of Doctor of Laws.
Rowland Gibson Hazard married, September 28, 1828, Caroline Newbold, daughter of John Newbold of Bloomsdale, Pennsylvania.
(VIII) Rowland Hazard, their son, was born August 16, 1829, in Newport, this State. In 1833 his parents removed to Peace Dale, and there he resided during the remainder of his life. He was prepared for college by Rev. Thomas Vernon and also attended for a time Haverford School (now Haverford College). He entered Brown University in the sophomore class, for which he was prepared in everything but Greek. In mathematics he was far in advance of his class, and this gave him time to make up his language deficiency. In both sophomore and junior years he won the first university premium in mathematics, and as a junior he also won the second university premium in mathematical philosophy. In that year he also took the first university premium in astronomy. In course the university conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts.
His career as a manufacturer of woolens in Peace Dale began in 1851 under the guidance of his father. In 1875 he became the owner of 24,000 acres of land in southeastern Missouri on which was located the Mine La Motte lead mine, which had been worked in a primitive manner since 1717. Mr. Hazard introduced the most modern methods of mining, dressing and smelting the ore. The product, marketed as the “Anchor Brand” (which device was suggested by the shield of Rhode Island), soon acquired an enviable reputation. He was one of the organizers of the Solvay Process Company in 1881 and became its president. Thus was introduced into this country the Belgian process of producing soda-ash, laying the foundation of the vast concern which his sons developed. He was also president of a number of other industrial companies and ranked among the industrial leaders of his day in this country. Besides his lands in Missouri he owned much real estate in South Kingstown and in the State of New York. One of his especial hobbies was a large dairy farm.
In 1875 he became a trustee of Brown University, succeeding his father who had sustained that relation from 1869. Rowland Hazard also succeeded his father as a Fellow of that institution in 1889, his father having been a Fellow from 1875 to 1888. Rowland Hazard was also a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; trustee of Butler Hospital; president of Washington County Agricultural Society from 1875 until his death; president of the What Cheer Insurance Company. He was president of the Peace Dale Manufacturing Company from 1864 until his death. For several years he served the town of South Kingstown as moderator. He was a member of the State Legislature in 1863-64, and from 1867-69 he was a member of the State Senate. In 1875 he was the Independent candidate for Governor of the State and received a plurality of votes, but failed of election by the Assembly.
From what has already been said it is apparent that Mr. Hazard was a man of exceptional mentality and ability, and that he was socially-minded. He made a first-hand study of the cooperative undertaking in Rochdale, England, and as a result introduced a profit-sharing system into the Peace Dale mills. He was thus a pioneer in this country of a method of dealing with employees that is now widely practiced. He also greatly improved the conditions of the workers in his Mine LaMotte, and in organizing the Solvay Process works in Syracuse he saw to it that the comfort and welfare of the workmen received due consideration. In all these activities he was far in advance of his time, and it is little wonder that labor troubles were unknown in the industries that he controlled. Quite in line with the attitude thus displayed toward his fellowmen was his interest in village and town affairs. The Second Congregational Church of South Kingstown was organized in his house in 1857, and he was a deacon of that church from that date. In 1872 he built for the church a stone edifice at a cost of about $25,000, and in 1895 added to it the Margaret Chapel in memory of his beloved wife, who died that year. He was largely instrumental in establishing the Narragansett Library in 1855 and in the organization of the high school, giving land for the building and assisting in its maintenance. With his father he established the Hazard Professorship of Physics at Brown University, and he bequeathed $100,000 to that institution.
Mr. Hazard’s taste for the fine arts was well developed. He was especially interested in architecture and literature. He drew the plans for the Congregational Church just mentioned, also the plans for the worsted mill built in Peace Dale in 1872 and the weaving shed built at a later date. The picturesque stone bridges in Peace Dale were all designed by him; one of them is a single stone arch spanning forty feet. It is said to be the largest single stone arch in the State. He was chairman of the building committee in charge of the erection of the John Carter Brown Library of Brown University. He also wrote a great deal and delivered many addresses. His annual address as president of the Washington County Agricultural Society not only evoked great interest but was considered a valuable contribution to agricultural literature. His address at the laying of the corner-stone of the State Capitol has a permanent place in the historic annals of this State. He was the author of a paper on the “Credit Mobilier of America,” which was published in 1881, and many other articles on economic, scientific and philosophic themes came from his pen. He wrote graceful verse, metrical translations from German lyrics and exquisite sonnets for his own pleasure; but his great modesty would not permit their publication.
Another writer has said: “Mr. Hazard was a man of simple religious faith, of a faith which was wrought by love for the betterment of his fellowmen. His strength of character, his firm resolve, made him a power in the world. This power he used wisely, kindly, beneficently. He was generous with his wealth and freely gave his valuable services to good causes. He was revered by all who knew him, tenderly loved by those who were brought into personal relations with him. His death was deeply lamented. Men recognized in him one whose noble life had reflected honor on America.”
Rowland Hazard married, March 29, 1854, Margaret Anna Rood of Philadelphia, daughter of Rev. Anson and Alide Gouverneur (Ogden) Rood. Mrs. Hazard died August 7, 1895, and was survived by her husband until August 16, 1898.
(IX) Hon. Rowland Gibson Hazard, their son, was born in Philadelphia, January 22, 1855, and died in Santa Barbara, California, January 22, 1918. He was prepared for college at the famous Mowry and Goff’s English and Classical School and then matriculated in Brown University from which he was graduated in 1876 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three years later his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. After another three years he became secretary to his paternal grandfather, and spent a year in this capacity. He was then sent West as manager of the Hazard Mining Interests in Missouri. Later he returned to Rhode Island and entered the office of the Peace Dale Manufacturing Company, with which he retained his connection until his death. In 1898 he became president of the company, and also succeeded his father at that time in the care of the widespread and varied Hazard interests and in many important directorships. For many years before his death the ramifications of his interests extended not only well over the United States but into Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe.
Mr. Hazard was chairman of the boards of directors of the Solvay Process Company of Syracuse, New York, and the By-Products Coke Corporation of Chicago. It has already been noted that his father was one of the organizers of the former corporation, and Rowland G. was long associated with its operations. For a long time he was vice-president of the company and then chairman of the board of directors, an office he held until his death. With this controlling corporation are allied the Semet Solvay Company, By-Products Coke Corporation and the Solvay Collieries Company. The Semet Solvay Company, of which Mr. Hazard was president and later chairman of the board of directors until his death, has plants in many sections of this country engaged in the manufacture of iron, steel and coke and it also constructs by-product coke-ovens. Before he became chairman of the board of directors of the By-Products Coke Corporation, Mr. Hazard served as its president. This has become the Interlake Iron Company, a $100,000,000 corporation which manufactures coke and byproducts and pig-iron—has many coke-ovens, docks, furnaces, and the most modern equipment located in South Chicago, Illinois, as well as Toledo, Erie, and Duluth. Another of Mr. Hazard’s interests outside Rhode Island was the New York Life Insurance Company. He was a member of its executive committee in 1908 and its auditor from that year until 1918.
The Hazard family was mainly responsible for the construction and operation of the Narragansett Pier Railroad. Mr. Hazard was a director and for a time chairman of the Finance Committee of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company; director of the Morris Plan Company of Rhode Island; director of the Providence Journal Company; director of the Providence What Cheer and Hope Mutual Fire Insurance Companies; director of the Providence Telephone Company; president of the Providence Warehouse Company.
Rowland G. Hazard became a trustee of Brown University in 1893 and, later, a Fellow of that institution. He was a member of the Linnaean Society of New York; National Association for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis; American Social Science Association; American Economic Association; Royal Economic Association of Great Britain; American Forestry Association; Franklin Institute of Philadelphia; Bibliophile Society of Boston; Archaeological Institute of America; and the American Ornithologists’ Union. He was one of the founders of the Museum of Comparative Oology which was absorbed by the Museum of Natural History of Santa Barbara, California; Fellow of Royal Society (paper in 1907 on “Arrow-heads” by invitation). He left to it his entire collection of birds’ eggs, which, when it had been arranged, was ranked as one of the best private collections of its kind in the world. Mr. Hazard was a scholar and a student, deeply interested in natural sciences and kindred subjects, a talented and able public speaker, whose addresses were gems of thought, literary style and finished diction. He edited and republished the famous “Johnny Cake” papers by Thomas R. Hazard.
Although never a holder of an elective public office, he was an honored and prominent figure in public life in this State. In 1904 he was a Roosevelt Presidential elector, and when the Indianapolis Monetary Convention assembled, he was appointed a member of its executive committee. He was a member of the executive committee of the Rhode Island State House Commission from 1890 to 1894. This was the commission that directed the building of Rhode Island’s present beautiful State House. In 1900 he was a member of the Providence Harbor Improvement Commission, and he was also a member of the commission for building and afterward conducting the Rhode Island State Sanatorium for Consumption. For many years he was a member of the American Board of Foreign Missions. He was a member of the Society of Colonial Wars in Rhode Island, and in 1902 he was lieutenant-governor of this body, deputy governor in 1904 and governor in 1907.
His clubs were: Brown, Alpha Delta Phi (Brown University), University and Hope of Providence; Graduates, Country and Lawn of New Haven; Century, University and Hobby of New York City; the Authors’ Club of London, England; and he was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was well known in social and club life in New York City, and he numbered among his friends men of note in the great literary and financial circles of that city and London.
Rowland Gibson Hazard married, November 16, 1880, in Beloit, Wisconsin, Mary Pierrepont Bushnell, daughter of Rev. George Bushnell and granddaughter of Eli Whitney Blake of New Haven, Connecticut. They were the parents of the following children: 1. Rowland, of whom further. 2. Elizabeth, born April 27, 1883, married Rush Sturges of Providence. 3. Margaret, born January 25, 1886, married R. H. I. Goddard of Providence. 4. Mary Bushnell, born in 1890, married Wallace Campbell of Syracuse, New York. 5. Thomas Pierrepont, born October 27, 1892.
(X) Rowland Hazard, son of Rowland Gibson and Mary Pierrepont (Bushnell) Hazard, was born in Peace Dale, Rhode Island, October 29, 1881. He was prepared for college at the Taft School, Watertown, Connecticut, and then matriculated in Yale University, from which he was graduated in 1903 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. At college he majored in chemistry, a knowledge of which was to be of prime importance in connection with the coke and chemical industries in which the family was interested and in the further development of which he was to play an important part. After completing his formal college training, young Hazard traveled extensively, gaining thereby a kind and breadth of culture obtainable in no other way. His introduction to the world of business was made in the office of the By-products Coke Corporation, and from there he went into the Semet Solvay Company’s office in Syracuse. Having familiarized himself with the coke business, he returned to Peace Dale in 1907 to learn how woolens are manufactured. He began at the bottom in the wool-sorting department and worked through the mill step by step to the office. In 1910 he was made treasurer of the company and continued in that office until 1918, at which time he sold the mill for the account of the family to M. T. Stevens and Sons of North Andover, Massachusetts. It was not easy, from the standpoint of sentiment, to part with a business which had been in the family since 1800, and which was one of the oldest of its kind in this country; but economic movements are ruthless, and Mr. Hazard realized that it would be unwise and unfair to those employed to attempt much longer to compete in the market against vast aggregations of plants and capital.
In 1917 he had taken a position in the Ordnance Department of the United States Army, in which he was given the rank of captain on the civilian staff. He was employed as an expert on textiles. When the mill was sold, Captain Hazard went into the line, hoping to be sent overseas. Instead, he was made instructing officer and was sent in that capacity from one camp to another until the close of the war and he was demobilized in December, 1918.
The next important undertaking to which he gave his attention was the organization of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation. Those in a position to know say that Mr. Hazard was an important factor in bringing about this combination, which absorbed the Solvay Process and allied companies in which his family had been for so long interested. Next, in 1920, he became identified with the private banking firm of Lee, Higginson and Company in New York City, and he spent the next seven years in financial operations. In 1927 he resigned to travel in Africa; but this proved to be an unfortunate step, for he contracted a tropical disease from which he was two years in recovering. In 1928 Mr. Hazard went to the Pacific Coast for his health. On his way there, he came across a property in New Mexico, which he subsequently purchased with the intention of engaging in ranching; and this purpose was carried out. But on the property, which is near the little town of LaLuz, he discovered a high grade clay adapted to the manufacture of art pottery. He organized the LaLuz Clay Products Company, which is now producing about fifty styles of vases and urns, all made by hand and along classic lines. For this work Mr. Hazard has employed the most talented practical and artistic potters he could find.
But he has not relinquished his interest and official connection with eastern corporations. He is a director of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation; the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company; Interlake Iron Company, and others.
Like the other members of his family who have always borne their share of civic responsibility, Mr. Hazard served as a member and president of the Kingston Town Council, and from 1914 to 1916 he was a member of the State Senate, in which he served as a member of the finance committee.
He is a member of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity and Elihu Club in New Haven. His New York City clubs are: Broad Street, Racquet and Tennis; the Rhode Island Club, Agawam, Squantum and Turks Head in Providence; Chicago Club of Chicago; LaCumbre Club of Santa Barbara, California. Mr. Hazard’s principal hobby is music. He has done considerable writing for the voice.
Rowland Hazard married, October 5, 1910, Helen Hamilton Campbell, born in Chicago, April 13, 1889, daughter of Augustus Campbell. Four children have been born from this union: Caroline Campbell, Rowland Gibson, Peter Hamilton and Charles Ware Blake.
Mr. Hazard’s many and varied interests keep him in New York City and the Southwest for a large part of his time; but his legal residence is still in Rhode Island, and he has lost none of the love for the State and interest in all that concerns its welfare that has ever been a characteristic of the Hazard family.
Source: Carroll, Charles. Rhode Island: Three Centuries of Democracy, vol 3 of 4. New York: Lewis historical Pub. Co., 1932.